Freight transport - water - unece
Freight transport - by location -
Vessels - water - unece
Vessels - by construction year, capacity -
Infrastructure navigable river length - water - unece
Infrastructure navigable river length - by type -
Safety, accidents, fatalities, and injuries - rail - unece
Safety, accidents, fatalities, and injuries - by victim -
Passenger transport- rail - unece
Passenger transport - by location -
Freight transport - rail - unece
Freight transport - by location -
Traffic train movements - rail - unece
Traffic train movements - by equipment and train type -
Transport equipment - rail - unece
Transport equipment - by vehicle type -
Infrastructure length - rail - unece
Infrastructure length - by track type, gauge, activity -
Safety, accidents, fatalities, and injuries - road - unece
Safety, accidents, fatalities, and injuries - extensive breakdown -
Passenger transport - road - unece
Passenger transport - by vehicle type (passenger car, bus, motorbike) -
Freight transport - road - unece
Freight transport - by location -
Traffic motor vehicle movements - road - unece
Traffic motor vehicle movements - by vehicle type -
Vehicle fleet and new registrations - road - unece
Vehicle fleet and new registrations - by type of vehicle, age, weight, fueltype -
Infrastructre length - road - unece
Infrastructre length - by type of road